155 Gall Bladder Jokes: A Bile-arious Collection of Digestive Humor

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Written By Marktony

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur pulvinar ligula augue quis venenatis. 

Gall Bladder, Have you ever thinked about how your internal organs could be hilarious? Well, get ready to laugh your gallstones off because we’re about to dive into the surprisingly funny world of gallbladder humor!

As someone whos survived gallbladder surgery (and the awful hospital food that came with it), I can attest that sometimes laughter truly is the best medicine especially when dealing with that temperamental little bile-storing organ.

๐Ÿ” Getting to Know Your Gall Bladder: Anatomical Puns That Bile Make You Laugh

The Gall Bladder might be small, but it’s big on comedy potential! This pear-shaped organ sits just beneath your liver, minding it’s own business until it decides to cause you excruciating pain. Before we dive into the jokes, lets take a moment to appreciate this troublemaker through some anatomical wordplay.

  • Your gallbladder is just bile-ing with excitement to meet you! It’s always ready to digest the situation.
  • I asked my gallbladder a question and it gave me a stone-cold response. Some organs just have no filter.
  • The gallbladder and liver have a great work relationship โ€“ they’re bile-ateral partners. They’ve signed a secretion agreement!
  • My doctor said my gallbladder is lazy. I guess it’s just bile-ing its time. Waiting for the right moment to strike.
  • When gallbladders go on vacation, they always pick a bile-ch resort. They need somewhere to unwind after all that bile storage.
  • What’s a gallbladder’s favorite movie? The Gall of the Wild. It’s an adventure they can relate to.
  • Gallbladders make terrible poker players because they always show their bile. They just can’t keep a straight face.
  • My gallbladder wrote a book called “Gall Things Considered.” Critics say it was hard to digest.
  • The gallbladder’s favorite song? “Bile Be There For You.” It’s quite the supportive organ until it isn’t.
  • Why did the gallbladder win the debate? It had compelling bile-ogical arguments. No one could refute the evidence.
  • Gallbladders are excellent accountants โ€“ they’re always balancing the bile sheets. They know how to keep the books clean.
  • My gallbladder is like a pessimist โ€“ always looking for the gall-half empty. Glass half full? Never heard of it.

Did you know that the average gallbladder holds about 50 milliliters of bile? Thats approximately the same volume as a shot glass! No wonder it can be such a party animal when it wants to be. Speaking of partying, check out these food innuendos that might make your gallbladder work overtime!

๐Ÿฅ Medical Mayhem: Surgical Jokes That Cut Deep

Having Gall Bladder surgery (cholecystectomy for you medical types) is no laughing matter… except when it absolutely is! My surgeon had a terrible sense of humor, which somehow made everything better? Here’s some surgical silliness that might help if your facing that dreaded gallbladder removal.

  • After gallbladder surgery, I felt emmpty inside. But at least I had room for dessert!
  • The surgeon said removing my gallbladder was gall in a day’s work. He really stones the competition.
  • Post-surgery, I joined a support group called “The Gall Bladder-less Brigade.” We meet whenever we’re not running to the bathroom.
  • My doctor has a special technique for gallbladder removal: The Bile High Club. It’s very exclusive.
  • The anesthesiologist told me to count backward from ten. I got to gall-most eight. Then woke up with one less organ.
  • After surgery, my diet was restricted. I was walking on egg-galls. Everything seemed to upset my digestion.
  • My hospital bill was outrageous. Talk about daylight gall-bbery! Highway robbery would’ve been cheaper.
  • The surgeon said I’d feel better without my gallbladder. He was gall-solutely right. Best breakup ever.
  • What do you call a fast gallbladder removal? Operation Wham, Bam, No More Bile, Ma’am. Efficiency at its finest.
  • Post-surgery, I became a gall-free spirit. Nothing holding me back now… except hospital bills.
  • Getting your gallbladder removed is like divorce: bile now, happy later. Sometimes you gotta let go.
  • My scar tells a story โ€“ it’s my gall of fame. Battle wounds from internal warfare.

Recovery from gallbladder surgery can take up to six weeks, but the jokes last a lifetime! While recovering, I spent alot of time playing board games โ€“ bowling puns became my specialty during those long days on the couch.

๐Ÿ” Diet Disasters: Food Jokes That Your Gall Bladder Would Hate

Anyone whose had Gall Bladder issues knows that certain foods become your sworn enemies. Fatty foods, I’m looking at you! Here’s some digestive humor that might make you think twice about that second helping of french fries.

  • My gallbladder looked at the pizza and said, “That’s a bile too cheesy for me.” Then proceeded to throw a fit anyway.
  • Eating fried chicken with gallbladder problems? That’s a gall-terrible idea. But sometimes temptation wins.
  • My doctor put me on a low-fat diet. I was gall broken up about it. Goodbye, delicious cheese.
  • Gallbladders hate fast food because it gives them too much bile to handle. Some workloads are just unreasonable.
  • When my gallbladder sees ice cream coming, it throws a bile tantrum. The ultimate drama queen.
  • After gallbladder surgery, I became a gall-mighty healthy eater. Nothing like organ removal to change your habits.
  • My relationship with chocolate was galled into question after my diagnosis. We needed couples therapy.
  • What does a gallbladder say to fatty food? “You’re giving me stones, man!” Some relationships are toxic.
  • My gallbladder issued an ultimatum: lose the fries or lose me. Toughest decision of my life.
  • Spicy food and gallbladders have a bile-ateral disagreement. Neither is willing to compromise.
  • My gallbladder’s food diary was just a list of gall the wrong choices. We’re both bad at making decisions.
  • Coffee and gallbladders? That’s a brewing disaster. Some morning routines need to change.

If your gallbladder is acting up, you might need to switch to a different type of culinary entertainment. Maybe try some pottery puns instead โ€“ they’re easier to digest!

๐Ÿง  Psychological Warfare: When Your Gall Bladder Plays Mind Games

The relationship between you and your gallbladder is complicated. One minute everything’s fine, the next minute your doubled over in pain wondering what you did to deserve this betrayal. Let’s explore the psychological side of this dysfunctional relationship.

  • My gallbladder has trust issues โ€“ it’s always bile-ing up walls between us. We need counseling.
  • I tried reasoning with my gallbladder, but it gave me the silent treatment-stone. Some organs just won’t communicate.
  • My gallbladder has a PhD in passive-aggressive bile production. It’s mastered the art of timing attacks.
  • During my ultrasound, the technician asked, “Does your gallbladder seem gall-ways angry to you?” Perpetually, yes.
  • My gallbladder plays emotional bile-mail with me daily. “Eat that burger and see what happens!”
  • I wrote my gallbladder a heartfelt letter: “It’s not me, it’s bile.” The breakup was inevitable.
  • My gallbladder has the gall-most impressive mood swings. One minute fine, next minute catastrophe.
  • Therapy session with my gallbladder: “Let’s discuss your bile-denial.” It refuses to admit it has problems.
  • My gallbladder practices selective bile-listening. Only hears what it wants to hear.
  • The relationship status with my gallbladder? “It’s bile-cated.” Sometimes we get along, sometimes we don’t.
  • My gallbladder’s favorite game? “Gall or Nothing.” It never takes the middle ground.
  • When arguing with my gallbladder, I always say “You’ve got some gall!” It never appreciates the pun.

Understanding the psychology of your gallbladder is like trying to understand why people enjoy ping pong puns โ€“ sometimes there’s just no logical explanation!

๐ŸŒŽ International Incidents: Gall Bladder Jokes From Around the World

Gall Bladder jokes

Gallbladder problems are universal โ€“ they transcend language, culture, and geography. Here are some internationally inspired jokes that prove gallbladder humor translates across borders.

  • In France, gallbladders are very sophisticated โ€“ they produce “bile de joie”. They have that certain je ne sais quoi.
  • Italian gallbladders are dramatic: “Mamma mia, that’s a spicy bile!” They gesticulate wildly during attacks.
  • In Japan, efficient gallbladders practice “just-in-time bile production”. No waste, maximum pain.
  • British gallbladders are quite proper: “Would you fancy a spot of bile, gov’nor?” Always polite, even when painful.
  • Russian gallbladders are resilient: “In Soviet Russia, bile produces you!” They’re built differently.
  • Australian gallbladders are laid-back: “No worries, mate, just a little bile down under.” Until they’re not.
  • Canadian gallbladders always apologize: “Sorry aboot the bile, eh?” Even when it’s not their fault.
  • Mexican gallbladders love fiestas: “Let’s throw a gall-a!” They know how to party at the worst times.
  • German gallbladders are efficient: “Bile production must follow proper procedure!” Very orderly organs.
  • Indian gallbladders are spice-resistant: “That’s not bile, that’s just Tuesday’s curry.” High tolerance levels.
  • Brazilian gallbladders have rhythm: “Doing the bile samba.” They dance to their own beat.
  • Irish gallbladders are poetic: “May the bile be with you, and also with you.” Quite blessing-like.

When traveling abroad, remember that gallbladder issues don’t take vacations! If you’re stuck in a foreign hospital, maybe some flight attendant jokes will help pass the time while you wait for treatment.

๐Ÿ”ฎ Fortune Telling: Predicting Your Gall Bladder’s Next Move

If only we could predict when our gallbladder is going to act up! Unfortunately, this tiny organ loves surprises. Here’s some fortune-telling humor that might help you prepare for your gallbladder’s next betrayal.

  • Your gallbladder horoscope today: “Bile see trouble in your near future.” Specifically after that burger.
  • The crystal ball shows your gallbladder has stones in its future. Multiple, painful ones.
  • Tarot reading: “The Tower card suggests your gallbladder is planning a bile revolt.” Prepare accordingly.
  • Your gallbladder fortune cookie says: “A painful surprise awaits after dinner.” Not the dessert you wanted.
  • Palm reading reveals a gall-culating organ waiting to strike. Watch your diet closely.
  • The tea leaves show a pattern of intermittent bile warfare. Strategic attacks incoming.
  • Your gallbladder’s magic 8-ball says: “Outlook not so bile.” Maybe skip the fried foods.
  • Nostradamus predicted: “The small pear organ shall rage when dairy comes.” He was right.
  • Psychic surgery reveals your gallbladder has a bile vendetta against chocolate. Choose wisely.
  • The stars indicate your gallbladder is entering its stone age period. Evolution isn’t always progress.
  • Your gallbladder oracle proclaims: “The bile temple shall overflow.” Not a good sign.
  • According to ancient bile-reading techniques, you’re in for a gall-vanizing experience. Brace yourself.

Want to know the real future of your gallbladder? Try lighting some candle jokes โ€“ they might illuminate your path to digestive wellness!

๐Ÿ“š Historical Perspectives: Gall Bladder Humor Through The Ages

Believe it or not, Gall Bladder humor has a long and storied history. From ancient civilizations to modern times, humans have always found ways to laugh about bile. Here’s a historical tour of gallbladder comedy.

  • Ancient Egyptians believed the gallbladder contained courage. They were gall wrong about that. It only contains attitude.
  • Hippocrates diagnosed gallbladder issues as “bile disposition.” Early medical humor was quite advanced.
  • Medieval doctors thought gallstones were evil bile spirits. Not far off, to be honest.
  • Renaissance painters never included gallbladders in anatomy studies โ€“ they were too bile-tempered to sit still. Temperamental models.
  • Shakespeare wrote, “To bile, or not to bile.” Hamlet’s gallbladder soliloquy was later edited out.
  • Napoleon’s defeat was actually due to a gall-stounding case of gallstones. History books got it wrong.
  • Victorian ladies described gallbladder attacks as “having the vapors of bile.” Very refined terminology.
  • During the Industrial Revolution, gallbladders became factory workers producing bile overtime. The labor conditions were terrible.
  • World War II soldiers received medals for gallbladder bravery under fire. The internal battlefield deserved recognition.
  • In the 1960s, gallbladders joined the counterculture with “make bile, not war” protests. Peace-loving organs.
  • The Digital Age brought us “bile-nary code” for understanding gallbladder communication. It’s either pain or no pain.
  • Modern gallbladders now have their own social media: “InstaBile”. They love posting food restrictions.

For more historical humor, check out these rowing jokes โ€“ they’ll take you on a journey through time, much like the evolution of gallbladder medicine!

๐Ÿ’‘ Relationship Advice: When Your Gall Bladder Becomes The Third Wheel

Your relationship with your significant other can be severely tested when your gallbladder decides to join the party. Here’s some relationship advice for when your organ becomes the ultimate third wheel.

  • Date night cancelled due to my gallbladder’s bile-ateral veto power. It’s the relationship gatekeeper.
  • My partner and gallbladder have an agreement: “What happens in the bile duct, stays in the bile duct.” Some secrets are best kept.
  • Marriage counselor asked, “Is it you, your partner, or the gall-darn gallbladder?” It’s always the gallbladder.
  • My gallbladder is the ultimate mood killer โ€“ it’s got terrible timing. Romance interrupter extraordinaire.
  • When choosing between my partner and fried food, my gallbladder makes the bile decision for me. No choice really.
  • My gallbladder’s love language is acts of bile-olence. It’s not very romantic.
  • Relationship status update: “It’s bile-cated because of my gallbladder.” The ultimate complication.
  • My partner said, “It’s me or the fatty foods.” My gallbladder said, “I’ve already decided for him.” Democracy fails again.
  • Couples retreat idea: Gallbladder-friendly cooking classes. Bonding through bile-appropriate meals.
  • Anniversary plans? Depends on my gallbladder’s bile-etin board of acceptable activities. The real decision-maker.
  • My gallbladder plays bile-nd date matchmaker with foods I can still eat. Some matches are better than others.
  • Three’s a crowd: me, my partner, and my gall-mighty demanding organ. Guess who gets the most attention?

If your relationship is suffering from gallbladder interference, maybe try bonding over some burrito jokes โ€“ just make sure they’re low-fat burritos!

๐Ÿง˜ Wellness Wisdom: Finding Peace With Your Problematic Organ

Eventually, many of us reach a state of acceptance with our gallbladders โ€“ whether we still have them or not. Here’s some wellness wisdom for making peace with this troublesome little organ.

  • Meditation mantra: “I am not my bile.” Repeat until gallbladder pain subsides.
  • Yoga pose of the day: “Downward-Facing Gallbladder.” Gentle release of bile tension.
  • Affirmation: “My gallbladder and I are on a bile-spiritual journey.” We’re growing together.
  • Holistic healer suggested I “talk to my bile” daily. We’re still not on speaking terms.
  • Acupuncture chart shows the “path of righteous bile flow.” Harmony can be achieved.
  • Essential oil blend for gallbladder health: “Peace, Love, and Bile Understanding.” Results may vary.
  • Crystal healing recommendation: “Gallstone to actual stone transformation.” Turn negatives into positives.
  • My gallbladder gratitude journal entry: “Thank you for only hurting sometimes.” Setting the bar low.
  • Wellness coach suggested a “bile cleanse” โ€“ my gallbladder found this hilarious. It’s already an expert.
  • Sound therapy for gallbladders: the gentle tones of “Bile-lind by Bach.” Soothing to the organ.
  • The gallbladder whisperer taught me to “speak bile language fluently.” Communication is key.
  • My wellness journey includes accepting my gallbladder’s “bile-polar tendencies.” We all have our ups and downs.

Finding your zen despite gallbladder issues is a journey worth taking. For more wellness humor, check out these sex jokes about food โ€“ laughter is truly the best medicine!

๐ŸŽญ The Final Act: Life After Your Gall Bladder

For many of us, the gallbladder saga eventually ends with its removal. Life post-gallbladder brings its own set of challenges and comedic potential. Here’s to embracing life without our bile-storing friend!

  • Post-gallbladder life slogan: “No gall, no problem!” Freedom at last!
  • My body after gallbladder removal: “Where did we put that bile again?” Still figuring out the new system.
  • Gallbladder reunion fantasy: “Remember when you used to store bile for me?” Good times, not really.
  • My liver now working overtime: “I didn’t sign up for this bile responsibility!” No overtime pay either.
  • Identity crisis post-surgery: “Am I still me without my gallbladder?” Philosophical questions abound.
  • New digestive motto: “Bile directly to the intestine, no middleman!” Cutting out the troublemaker.
  • Missing organ support group topic: “Things I don’t miss about my gall bladder.” It’s a long list.
  • Post-surgery superpower: “Bile-less digestion acceleration.” Some foods go right through now!
  • Anniversary celebration: “One year bile-free and loving it!” Worth commemorating.
  • New restaurant ordering technique: “I’ll have the formerly-would-have-killed-my-gallbladder special.” Living dangerously.
  • Digestive system restructuring plan: “Operation Bile Reroute.” The body adapts amazingly.
  • Life philosophy update: “No gallbladder, no cry.” Bob Marley would understand.

๐Ÿ”ฌ Laboratory Laughs: Scientific Gallbladder Giggles

Gall Bladder

  • My gallbladder failed chemistry because it couldn’t maintain a stable bile-ance.
  • Scientists study gallbladders under microscopes to observe bile-logical phenomena.
  • Gallbladders belong to the periodic table element group called bile-kaloids.
  • The scientific name for gallbladder surgery translates to “chole-see-ya-later.”
  • In lab experiments, gallbladders show remarkable bile-lateral symmetry.
  • The gallbladder hypothesis: the more fat consumed, the more bile-sasters observed.
  • Einstein’s lesser-known theory: Bile = MC scared.
  • Researchers discovered that gallbladders communicate through bile-ingual signaling.
  • My gallbladder’s science fair project was titled “Bile and Error.”
  • In the scientific community, gallbladders are known for their peer-reviewed bile-ographies.
  • The gallbladder operates on quantum mechanics – it exists in a super-positioned bile state.
  • Scientists measured my gallbladder’s acidity and found it was bile-polar.
  • Gallbladder technicians always follow the bile-safety protocol.
  • Under the microscope, gallbladders appear to be bile-luminescent.
  • The Physics of Gallbladders textbook explains Newton’s Laws of Bile Motion.

๐Ÿ’ฐ Financial Follies: Economic Gallbladder Gems

  • My gallbladder has terrible spending habits โ€“ always making bile-ateral transactions.
  • Investing in gallbladder health offers the best bile-ateral returns.
  • My gallbladder operates on a strict bile-monthly budget.
  • The gallbladder economy functions on a supply and de-bile system.
  • Wall Street analysts predict a bear bile market this quarter.
  • My gallbladder’s financial advisor suggested a bile-versified portfolio.
  • The gallbladder stock exchange reported record bile-ateral trading.
  • My gallbladder filed for bankruptcy after too many stone-cold investments.
  • Financial experts recommend a bile-ance transfer for struggling gallbladders.
  • The gallbladder’s economic forecast: bile inflation ahead.
  • My gallbladder’s credit score tanked after too many bile-atious purchases.
  • Gallbladder accountants specialize in bile-ance sheets.
  • The Federal Reserve of Gallbladders adjusted the bile interest rate.
  • My gallbladder’s retirement plan includes a 401(bile).
  • After surgery, I experienced unexpected sunk-cost bile-lacies.
  • My gallbladder’s venture capital fund invests in start-up bile-otechnology.

๐ŸŽฎ Virtual Reality: Digital Gallbladder Gaming

  • The newest video game sensation: Grand Theft Bile-to.
  • My gallbladder is a pro gamer โ€“ it always reaches the bile-nal level.
  • The most popular gallbladder mobile app: Angry Biles.
  • My gallbladder loves role-playing games like “World of Bile-craft.”
  • The virtual reality gallbladder experience: “Super Bile Brothers.”
  • My gallbladder streaming channel features “Bile Nights at Freddy’s.”
  • The newest battle royale game: “Fort-bile.”
  • Gallbladder gamers love playing “The Legend of Bile-da.”
  • My gallbladder’s gaming username is “XxBileMaster420xX.”
  • The gallbladder esports tournament features “Counter Bile: Global Offensive.”
  • My gallbladder achievement unlocked: “Master of Bile Arts.”
  • The gallbladder simulation game: “The Bilesโ„ข.”
  • My gallbladder joined a gaming guild called “The Knights of the Bile Table.”
  • The popular gallbladder strategy game: “Age of Em-biles.”
  • After surgery, I downloaded the expansion pack: “Bile-less Adventure.”
  • The gallbladder horror game: “Resident Bile: Stone Origins.”

๐Ÿš€ Space Exploration: Cosmic Gallbladder Quips

  • NASA’s newest mission: exploring the bile way galaxy.
  • My gallbladder dreams of becoming an astro-bile.
  • The space telescope discovered a new constellation: Bile Major.
  • Astronauts report experiencing zero-gravity bile flow.
  • My gallbladder wants to visit the Bile-ternational Space Station.
  • The first gallbladder in space reported bile-weightlessness.
  • Scientists named the new black hole “The Great Bile Beyond.”
  • My gallbladder training program includes bile-onautics.
  • Space agencies are studying bile behavior in orbit.
  • The gallbladder rocket uses bile-propulsion technology.
  • My gallbladder’s favorite planet is Bile-uto โ€“ no longer recognized, but still loved.
  • Alien gallbladders communicate through inter-bile-actic signals.
  • The space mission patch features the slogan: “To bile-finity and beyond!
  • My gallbladder collected bile-teorite samples for analysis.
  • NASA’s gallbladder research center studies bile under pressure.
  • The gallbladder astronaut reported seeing bile-ing stars.

๐ŸŽญ Theatrical Performances: Gallbladder on Broadway

  • My gallbladder’s one-man show: “To Bile, With Love.”
  • The hit Broadway musical: “The Phantom of the Bile-ra.”
  • My gallbladder won a Tony Award for “Best Supporting Bile.”
  • The dramatic gallbladder monologue: “To Bile or Not To Bile.”
  • My gallbladder’s stage name is “Sir Biles-a-lot.”
  • The gallbladder ballet features “Swan Bile.”
  • My gallbladder performed in the classic: “The Bile King.”
  • The gallbladder theater company presents: “Bile Like It Hot.”
  • My gallbladder’s improvisation group: “Whose Bile Is It Anyway?
  • The gallbladder musical spectacular: “Bile-dler on the Roof.”
  • My gallbladder’s dramatic reading: “A Tale of Two Biles.”
  • The Shakespeare adaptation: “Much A-bile About Nothing.”
  • My gallbladder’s comedy hour: “Bile on the Rocks.”
  • The gallbladder cabaret show: “Bile-esque.”
  • My gallbladder’s off-Broadway production: “Waiting for Bile-dot.”
  • The gallbladder circus performance: “Cirque du Bile-eil.”

๐Ÿฆธ Superhero Sagas: Gallbladder Comic Universe

  • My gallbladder’s superhero identity: “The Incredible Bile.”
  • The gallbladder superhero team: “The Bile-vengers.”
  • My gallbladder fights crime as “Bile-man: Homecoming.”
  • The gallbladder origin story: “The Fantastic Bile.”
  • My gallbladder’s nemesis is “Doctor Bile-tastrophe.”
  • The gallbladder superhero movie: “Wonder Bile.”
  • My gallbladder’s superpower: “Bile-kinesis.”
  • The gallbladder superhero headquarters: “The Bile Cave.”
  • My gallbladder joined “The Justice Bile of America.”
  • The gallbladder comic series: “X-Bile: The Last Stand.”
  • My gallbladder’s catchphrase: “It’s bile time!
  • The gallbladder cinematic universe features “Captain Bile: The First A-bile-nger.”
  • My gallbladder’s secret identity: “Bruce Bile.”
  • The gallbladder superhero costume includes a “bile-proof vest.”
  • My gallbladder’s sidekick is known as “Bile Wonder.”
  • The gallbladder supervillain threatens with “The Bile-pocalypse.”

๐Ÿ›๏ธ Political Punchlines: Gallbladder Governance

  • My gallbladder ran for office on the Bile-partisan ticket.
  • The gallbladder political party platform: “A New Bile for America.”
  • My gallbladder believes in trickle-down bile-onomics.
  • The gallbladder debate featured heated cross-bile examination.
  • My gallbladder served on the Supreme Bile Court.
  • The gallbladder political scandal: “Bile-gate.”
  • My gallbladder voted for the Demobile-cratic party.
  • The gallbladder political movement: “Bile Rights Now.”
  • My gallbladder signed the Bile of Rights.
  • The gallbladder presidential address: “Four Score and Seven Biles Ago.”
  • My gallbladder’s political memoir: “The Audacity of Bile.”
  • The gallbladder election slogan: “Yes We Bile.”
  • My gallbladder established the Department of Bile-land Security.
  • The gallbladder foreign policy: “Speak softly and carry a big bile.”
  • My gallbladder supports the Green New Bile.
  • The gallbladder political campaign promises “No new bile taxes.”

Which Gall Bladder made you laugh the most? Share in the comments! And if you’ve survived your own gallbladder saga, we’d love to hear your bile-arious tales of woe and triumph.

Remember, whether you’re currently battling gallbladder issues or you’re a proud member of the “gallbladder-less club,” laughter truly is the best medicine… along with actual medicine prescribed by your doctor, of course. Stay bile-tastic, friends!

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